The film Carol makes its debut at the Neon Movies in Dayton Thursday night. The film—much of which was shot in Cincinnati in the spring of 2014—features local residents who served as extras in the film and several Daytonians served on the film’s production crew.
Local producer and filmmaker, Karri O’Reilly served as production manager for the film and says it had an immediate impact on the local community.
“Even before we were finished filming, there were two movies hot on the heels of it, that were period movies set in New York, that were lining up to film, even literally kicking us out of our offices as we were trying to wrap it up," she said.
The producer says the state has been lucky because of the support politicians have given the Ohio Motion Picture Tax Credit which offers big incentives for production companies filming here.
O’Reilly, who serves on the board of FilmDayton estimates the film Carol added about $400,000 dollars directly into the local economy.
The film also features antique automobiles supplied by America's Packard Museum in Dayton.
The award winning film, starring Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara is initially scheduled for a one-week run at The Neon.