Welcome to WYSO Weekend! On today’s program, we’ve got Dayton Youth Radio and Politics Ohio. You’ll also hear how two organizations that support entrepreneurs are merging in order to expand their services. See full details below.
- There’s an up and coming non-profit that will soon be providing short-term, inpatient care in a home-like setting for newborns suffering from prenatal drug exposure. The intends to utilize the latest therapeutic techniques combined with pharmacologic approaches to provide the care these infants need. They’ll also provide support for the mothers and families of the infants.To get the details on this organization, called Brigid’s Path, I spoke with Development Director Jane Snyder who tells us how it all began.
- This week on Dayton Youth Radio we have a feature from the David H Ponitz Career Technology Center about the pressures teens face when it comes to college admissions testing. Youth Radio Project Manager, Basim Blunt, introduces our story.
Nucleus is a non-profit co-sharing space for entrepreneurs, micro-businesses, freelancers and creators of all kinds. The shared space they offer is in the heart of Dayton’s Oregon District and they’ve got some big news to tell in the way of expansion. This week on Kaleidoscope, WYSO’s Juliet Fromholt spoke with Andrew White about what’s next for the organization.
- Early voting began this week in Ohio, about a month before Election Day. For PoliticsOhio, WYSO’s April Laissle talked with University of Dayton Political Science professor Grant Neeley about why early voting began, and how it may affect this year’s election.
- Bill Felker bring clarity to the living world around us with Poor Will's Almanack.